
Early bird closes 15th January.

Picture of runners waiting to start the Gloucester 10k

Race Briefing

Start Time

The race will start at 8.30am. The early start is designed to minimise disruption in the city and enable you plenty of time afterwards to explore the city and go for a coffee, or something stronger, should you wish!

Numbers – Collect on the day

All numbers must be collected from the park. Please come early. You will be able to collect them from 7.00am and it would be good to avoid a last minute rush.


There will be no parking in the park or in Spa Road. Also, Spa Road will be closed from approximately 8.00am until the last runner has finished at approximately 10.00am. If you live close by, please walk. Otherwise there are plenty of town centre car parks or, for the sake of the environment, consider using public transport instead. Buses are plentiful in the area and the start is only a short walk from the train station.

Entry into Park and Start

There is no other event in the park this year and you can access the park from any entrance. The race will start near to its previous starting point on the southern side of the park. When lining up to start, please position yourself based upon your likely pace. The course is wide for the first 1.5k which gives a little time to spread the field out. After that, there are periodic pinch points, the first being close to the cathedral.

The Route

The route is predominantly flat with some gentle inclines. There are some twists to take in tourist spots. The twists and turns and pinch points mean that the route is one to enjoy rather than for a PB. Come prepared to enjoy the historic city of Gloucester and regard a PB as a bonus. Be careful of uneven surfaces, drain covers, bollards and potholes. The course is particularly uneven at the back of the cathedral. The canal towpath is much better than it once was, but not the most predictable of surfaces or the widest path. There are rescue boats around, but let's not let this be the first year we have needed to call on their services!

For those who have run it before, the route has been slightly tweaked. We have come to the conclusion that the route through the Sainsbury’s site is safer than running around it and so we are going back to that. We have also removed the contraflow on Southgate as the landscaping there has made for a pinch-point that was a bit too early in the course. Again, instead of that, we will be turning right out of the cathedral, away from the cross and then left opposite the main cathedral entrance to head down to the docks. We are also taking the opportunity to take in the newly redeveloped King's Square. Otherwise it is unchanged from last year and takes in as many beauty spots as possible. If, for many possible reasons, none of that made much sense, check out the route map available here.

Whilst road closure orders are in place, there are one or two crossings of roads which are not officially closed but which will be marshalled. Please take particular care here.

Also, you may meet members of the public also at leisure, whether fishing, walking with or without dogs or cycling. This is particularly the case on the canal towpath and in the docks. Marshals will warn members of the public of your presence but please take care and be polite to non-runners. You don’t have priority and we are running this course with permission, and we don’t wish to lose that permission for future years.

Secunda Way is not closed but there is a pavement all the way along it which you are asked to run along. It is a mostly wide pavement, but it is again suggested that runners keep to the left allowing room for overtaking on the right. There are some minor roads which need to be crossed. There will be marshals here. Please don’t cut into Secunda Way to cross them but stay inside the metal railings to cross the minor road at the crossing points.

One part of the incoming route revisits a part of the outgoing route in reverse direction. It is essential that you remember to KEEP RIGHT on the out and back sections. There will be marshals reminding you but if in doubt KEEP RIGHT!

Running on Canal Towpaths

Single file running is required on the towpath unless overtaking. All participants should be courteous towards other towpath users. All participants should be aware of Weils disease in case a runner enters the water. (Weils disease is a type of bacterial infection spread by animals. In 90% of cases, Weils only causes mild flu-like symptoms, such as headache, chills and muscle pain. However, in some cases, the infection is more severe and can cause problems, including organ failure and internal bleeding. The common mild symptoms mean that most infections are hard to diagnose but if you do fall into the water and you later feel unwell, you are advised to see a doctor.)

Water Stations

There is a water station on the canal towpath just by Gloucestershire College. Runners will pass this at approximately 4km and 8km. You are encouraged to carry your own water. Water at the water stations will be in sealed bottles and you will have to pick one up.

We are very conscious of the environment. We are distributing bottles because we believe that they are easiest for runners to use, but please discard these responsibly. Make sure they are not discarded such that they may go into the canal and avoid dropping into the path of other runners. On the outgoing route, there will be a designated drop zone on open ground at the back of Llanthony Priory. If you wish to retain the bottle past that point, and you are encouraged to do so for hydration purposes, please either retain the bottle until you return to the drop zone or discard close to a marshal, but away from the running line. There will also be water bottles available at the finish in the park. Please either take these bottles home or discard in our designated drop zone.

If you have litter, please again discard it carefully, for example on the water station drop zone, give to a marshal or retain it. Please don’t drop it elsewhere.

First Aid

We have qualified first aiders on the course and SARA in the water. If you have a difficulty, please talk to a marshal who will summon assistance.


The wearing of headphones is not permitted for health and safety reasons other than those types specifically approved by England Athletics (ie open ear). Those wearing them are at risk of disqualification.

Prize Giving

This will take place as soon as possible at some point after 10.00am on the stage. There will be prizes for the first three male and first three female finishers plus age category prizes and Davies and Partners’ Corporate Challenge winners. Also, we are introducing team prizes for the first four male and first four female runners from club teams.


We are very grateful to E G Carter for being incredibly helpful and generous headline sponsors once again. Also, thank you to Davies and Partners for sponsoring the Corporate Challenge and for having developed this event over the years. Despite handing over the reins, we are very glad to report that they are still massively supporting the handover.

Goody Bags/Finish

In previous years, a queue developed after the finish as people ummed and ahhed over t-shirt choice. To avoid that, we will mark your race number with your t-shirt and medal choices. Please then proceed to collect what you selected. There will be water and fruit at the end. We will not be providing bags for environmental reasons.

Charities and Feedback

This is a community event. We are delighted that so many of you who are not regular members of the “running circuit” are taking part and we hope you enjoy the day. We are not making any profit out of the event. All monies raised will be distributed to this year's chosen charities. Therefore, all marshals and organisers are giving up their time voluntarily.

Thank you for being with this event in its 12th year. Please bear with us, it is extremely challenging to put on an event in a vibrant city and we are all volunteers rather than event professionals. If you have any constructive suggestions, we would be pleased to hear them as we are always learning and keen to make this event as good as possible.

And finally, after 11 years, Nigel Tillott stepped down as Race Director this year, although he is still playing an extremely active and supportive role. That means this is my first year. I have very big shoes to fill. The last 11 years have been an adventure with many challenges along the way, as some of you who have supported the event throughout will know. We are very grateful for your wonderful support. We hope this year to equal the record attendance of 1,000 people that we achieved last year. Over the years, the race has raised well over £100,000 for local charities. We couldn’t do this without you as runners but also the many volunteers who have given up their time for free and the massive contributions of Gloucester Quays Rotary Club, E G Carter as main sponsors and Davies and Partners for many of these years. My aim is to do my best to continue in this fantastic tradition.

Alex May, Race Director